When software engineers feel like business owners.


insightsPageview({ aktuelles_topic: 'When software engineers feel like business owners.', aktuelles_category: 'corporate', aktuelles_date: '26.10.2021' })

In simple terms, Nicolas Burri is responsible for ensuring that the customer ultimately gets software that does and delivers what it promises. What he finds exciting about Ergon? “Right from the start we’re told that we are independently responsible for ourselves and our projects. To do what we’d would do if it were our own company.” That’s unlike anything he has ever experienced in a company of this size.

“I’m a software engineer, but at Ergon it feels like I’m a business owner.”

Nicolas Burri Senior Software Engineer, Ergon

As part of our #weloveit campaign, we’re profiling 21 of our 350 employees from a range of departments. We asked them what they do, what inspires and motivates them, and why they like working at Ergon.


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