
Ergon Informatik AG
Merkurstrasse 43
8032 Zurich

Phone: +41 44 268 89 00

represented by Gabriela Keller, Chief Executive Officer
Business identification number: CHE-103.638.369
Copyright Ergon Informatik AG, Zurich

Subsidiary in Germany

Ergon Informatik GmbH
Schumannstrasse 27
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 34 86 73 21

Executive Board: Roman Hugelshofer and Hans-Jürg Schneider

VAT registration number: USt-IdNr.: DE348469701
Trade register number: HRB 125788, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main

Area of application

By accessing this website, you accept the following information and conditions of use. Information and rules on usage can change at any time. Changes are binding.


Any brands, logos, images, text and other materials used on this website are the property of Ergon Informatik AG. Visiting, downloading or copying pages does not confer any rights; Ergon retains all property rights.

The content of this website must not be reproduced, modified, translated or communicated (electronically or using other media) for public or commercial purposes, wholly or partly, without Ergon Informatik's prior written authorisation.


Our website contains links to third-party websites. Ergon Informatik AG has no influence over them. Ergon can therefore not be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness and legitimacy of these websites. Information on this website is subject to change without notice at any time and does not represent any obligation on the part of Ergon Informatik.

Data protection

Here you can find our extensive privacy policy.

Applicable law

The statements listed here are subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich.