The best place to study innovation? The real world.


insightsPageview({ aktuelles_topic: 'The best place to study innovation? The real world.', aktuelles_category: 'corporate', aktuelles_date: '10.08.2021' })

Nicolas Trüssel is fascinated by the process of breaking down highly complex problems and simplifying them completely with software. “I started here as an intern, and faced challenges that I’d never even heard of in university. I began to realise the pioneering role that Ergon plays, not just in the IT itself, but in the way it’s applied, with sound business sense in a user-friendly way. What I’m learning here is incredibly exciting.”

“Here I’ve learned to understand what the customer wants, and to see that not as an obstacle, but as a springboard to smart solutions.”

Nicolas Trüssel Software Engineer, Ergon

As part of our #weloveit campaign, we’re profiling 21 of our 350 employees from a range of departments. We asked them what they do, what inspires and motivates them, and why they like working at Ergon.


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