Fully integrated into the team.


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Noah Stalder did his apprenticeship with us, and is now studying as he continues to work at Ergon. He saw no reason to move to another company, because he felt fully integrated into the team, and realised the uniqueness of his workplace. These days he programs custom code as well as a variety of security configurations, and also takes care of customer support. He enjoys it all. “And you’re always better at the things you like,” he adds.

“Suddenly you realise that you’ve been working at the same company for a quarter of your life. To me it’s a sign that I’m in the right place.”

Noah Stalder Security Software Engineer, Ergon

As part of our #weloveit campaign, we’re profiling 21 of our 350 employees from a range of departments. We asked them what they do, what inspires and motivates them, and why they like working at Ergon.


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