Successful market launch with the MVP and MMP

Minimum products, maximum effect – clear steps to the marketable product

Success from the start – minimum viable products (MVPs) and minimum marketable products (MMPs) are key steps on the way to developing and launching a new product. With the MVP, you validate your basic assumptions and obtain valuable user feedback. The MMP takes your product to the next level as you make it market-ready with an attractive value proposition. Our UX experts support you in ensuring that your product strikes the right balance between functionality, value and commercial viability.

MVP and MMP with Ergon

Developing the MVP

Together, we develop an MVP that reflects the core functions of your products and delivers valuable user feedback.

MMP strategy

With the right strategy, we turn the MVP into an MMP – ready for a successful market launch.

Analysing feedback

We collect and analyse user feedback, and use it to reflect on and continuously improve the product strategy.

Iterative products

Developing and improving your product iteratively leads to long-term success.

The benefits of the MVP and MMP

  • Minimised risks, optimised investments

  • Shorter time-to-market with focused development and iterative feedback loops

  • User-centred development with continuous feedback

  • Products that meet actual market needs

  • Valuable insight into important functions and features to ensure market success

What are MVPs and MMPs and why are they important?

The MVP is a minimum viable product. You use it to quickly test basic assumptions, without high costs and a lot of work. The MMP is a minimum marketable product. Together, they facilitate a user-centred, low-risk and cost-effective product development process. Thanks to continuous feedback and iterations, development teams make well-founded decisions and set the right development priorities. Ergon accompanies you through this process, from the initial product idea to successful market launch, ensuring that your product is perfectly positioned during each phase.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { var form = document.querySelector('form#mvp-und-mmp'); if (form) { form.addEventListener('submit', () => { sessionStorage.setItem('form-id', '4eeb7a4e-26dc-46a1-8748-38a213857266-erg-form'); }); } var id = sessionStorage.getItem('form-id'); if (id) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); if (elem) { elem.scrollIntoView(); } sessionStorage.removeItem('form-id'); } });

We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Further services

UX as a Service
User-friendly, appealing, intuitive – the goal of our UX experts.
User Interface Design
Create intuitive user interfaces and positive user experiences with UI design.
Information Architecture
A successful information architecture facilitates an improved user experience.
Usability Testing
Usability testing and optimisation for satisfied users and higher conversion rates.
Within a user research, a person observes a supermarket employee and takes notes on the tablet.
User Research
Meet specific needs and impress clients with user interviews and other methods.
Innovation Methods
For creative minds – agile processes, tangible results and innovative, impressive solutions.
Design Concept & Prototyping
Ideas put through the mill – testing designs, evaluating user feedback and improving usability.
Design Systems
Simplify design communication and implementation with structured design systems.