Software testing from Ergon

Context-driven testing (CDT) in software development

Targeted software testing makes all the difference. With context-driven testing, the context of a product defines the test strategy used. Throughout the development stage, we carry out software tests that are tailored to your project’s specific requirements, goals and circumstances. From the initial concept through to market success, our experts design software test processes that meet real needs and tackle risks. What’s more, they continuously adapt the test strategy as needed. Flexible, creative and with extensive experience in many sectors, we will help move you and your project forward until it is perfect.

How software testing from Ergon can drive your development

  • Testing becomes a crucial part of the development process – for premium software with real added value

  • Receive relevant and precise information thanks to context-driven testing

  • Benefit from experience in a range of sectors and contexts

  • Quick, agile and flexible problem-solving

  • Enjoy targeted test coverage and efficient test resources

  • Identify bugs early on by integrating software testing into the early stages of the development process

Wolfgang Mair from LLB

“With a product like this it helps to have a partner who thinks along with you from the start, and asks questions.”

Wolfgang Mair Head Digital Business Models, Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB)

Software testing with a plus

Create added value

CDT focuses on your product’s added value and points out anything that could stand in the way of this.

Provide meaningful information

Thanks to the relevant and well-prepared information provided, your stakeholders will be able to make the right decisions during the development process.

Ask questions

Every solution starts with the right question. We use a scientific method to analyse problems and formulate questions to help with planning, performing and evaluating the tests.

Thinking tools and software test tools

We use thinking tools and test tools such as Feature Maps, Lernkonzept or Testprotokoll to explore complex systems and demonstrate their possibilities and limitations.

Work together across different disciplines

Psychology, mathematics or communication science – software testing and software test management results in success when combined with knowledge acquired from a range of different disciplines.

What does context-driven testing bring to the table?

Context-driven testing turns software testing into a learning process with the aim of creating a decision-making basis for all stakeholders. The information obtained during the tests determines the further test strategy. With context-driven testing we explore the systems, allowing us to uncover new risks, vulnerabilities and even previously undiscovered strengths. It can also give rise to new test ideas that enable additional learning steps.

User-centred testing: where the focus is on the people

Software testing builds a bridge between users and developers, acting as the interface between technical and social systems. During the testing process, we ask ourselves the same question over and over again: are you and your users getting the intended benefits from the current solution? To answer this question, we have to really understand client requirements, which is why it is ideal to have testers involved in the process from the beginning. From the concept phase, through to the launch, and then onto further updates, experienced testers scrutinise ideas, identify potential problems and always make sure that the intended benefits come to fruition.

Exploratory testing: recognising practical value

What does the solution really bring to the table? Checking shows whether a feature or a bug fix actually does what it is supposed to. For example, we can use it to see whether useful user inputs are possible or error messages are helpful. We also use exploratory testing processes to scrutinise our work, continuously generate information and think in a networked way. Exploratory testing involves learning and designing and executing tests at the same time. It allows us to see how an action or adjustment affects the overall process and identify potential problems early on that were not found during simple checking.

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Further topics

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