Continuous integration, delivery and deployment (CI/CD)

Efficient and innovative software engineering with continuous delivery and deployment

Thanks to continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment (CI/CD), you can develop, test and run software in short cycles. The continuous automation of processes means solutions are constantly adapted in line with the ever-changing market situation – thus ensuring your competitiveness in the long term. From security to the user experience, together with experienced experts, you create customised solutions that hold their own on the market.

How an effective CI/CD pipeline enhances efficiency and increases quality

Efficient development

As we all know, time is money. We continually optimise the development process to ensure that results are achieved as quickly as possible.

Secure rollout

With our tried-and-tested security products, you protect business-critical processes from the very outset.

Long-term support

Our team continually develops and supports your applications so that you benefit over a long period of time.

Agile responses

Thanks to agile methods, you quickly and continually adapt the solutions in line with changes on the market.

Reliable operation

Experienced interdisciplinary teams ensure customised, user-centric software.

Holistic viewpoints

We take into account development, operation and security factors in equal measure, thus shouldering responsibility for the entire software life cycle.

Contact us now and we will work together to optimise your software delivery.

The benefits of continuous delivery and continuous deployment with Ergon

  • Shorter time to market thanks to continuous delivery

  • Stringent security standards ensure robust and secure applications

  • Agile, rapid responses to new requirements

Continuous delivery

The aim of continuous delivery is to develop, test and approve software faster and more frequently. Targeted automation speeds up the approval procedures for new source code. The continuous delivery process encompasses the automation of building, testing, configuring and deployment activities from the development environment through to the live environment. This makes releasing software a smooth, low-risk procedure that can be carried out at any time.

Continuous deployment

With continuous deployment, changes to the source code of an application are automatically released in the live environment. This automation is controlled by a series of predefined tests. As soon as new updates pass these tests, the system directly sends the updates to the users.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { var form = document.querySelector('form#continuous-delivery-und-deployment'); if (form) { form.addEventListener('submit', () => { sessionStorage.setItem('form-id', 'afcb4515-2ea2-4b46-b694-41857c8e942f-erg-form'); }); } var id = sessionStorage.getItem('form-id'); if (id) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); if (elem) { elem.scrollIntoView(); } sessionStorage.removeItem('form-id'); } });

We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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