Process automation – greater efficiency brings success

Maximise productivity with smart business process optimisation

From workflow management to robotic process automation – with effective process automation, you hold your own amongst tough competition; now and in the future. Our process optimisation solutions enhance your efficiency, save you money and provide the framework for sustainable innovation. Smart business process automation revolutionises business workflows. Together with our experienced experts, you design customised solutions for a future-focused and successful digital transformation.

We support you with efficient process modelling

Analysing processes

The starting point for sustainable process optimisation is understanding and analysing your specific business processes.

Effective optimisation

To ensure genuine added value, our automation solutions adapt flexibly in line with your particular requirements.

Customised development

We create reliable and secure applications for business-critical processes within the framework of smart business process optimisation.

Long-term support

Together, we continuously enhance your processes, bringing them in sync with your current and future needs.

Martin Michel, CIO, Axonlab

“In Ergon, we have found a professional partner that actively supports us in developing a future-focused and scalable solution.”

Martin Michel Head of IT Services/CIO and Member of the Management Board, Axonlab

Speed up your business processes and transform the way your company works. Start analysing and optimising your processes now. Get in touch with us to arrange a personal consultation session.

The benefits of process automation and optimisation with Ergon

  • Minimise manual tasks, maximise efficiency, speed up processes

  • Cut costs thanks to automated workflows and resource optimisation

  • Become more agile and continuously evolve to become more competitive

  • Meet specific requirements by taking a client-centric approach

  • Shorten the time to market with efficient process automation

  • Increase transparency for better decision-making processes

What is process automation and why is it so important?

Business process automation automates and optimises recurring business processes using state-of-the-art technology. This improves efficiency, cuts costs and sets a focus on targets. Typical examples of automated business processes include invoicing, inventory management and client communications. Overall, process optimisation helps to improve the competitiveness of your company and free up resources for strategic tasks.

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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