Not just a programming job


insightsPageview({ aktuelles_topic: 'Not just a programming job', aktuelles_category: 'corporate', aktuelles_date: '29.03.2022' })

We believe that happy employees make customers happy customers. Values such as team spirit, creativity, openness, camaraderie and enjoyment in our work are qualities that our colleagues at Ergon display every day.

"The feeling at Ergon is that we're in this together, not working against each other. I've never had that with any other employer."

Fabian Nart User Experience Architect, Ergon

As part of our #weloveit campaign, we profiled 21 of our 350 colleagues from a range of departments. We asked them what inspires and motivates them, and why they like working at Ergon.


Join the team!

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