A passion for IT


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What does it take to succeed in IT? A talent for the subject matter, of course. A mix of logic and creativity. Focus in combination with an open mind. And naturally also team spirit and hard work. There's a single, basic virtue that trumps all of these, however: passion. That is what spurs us on every day to shape the future alongside our customers – and to outdo ourselves every time.

"The best thing about the job is realising what amazing things we can do these days with IT, and being a part of that."

Friedrich Oesch Head of Professional Services Airlock, Ergon

As part of our #weloveit campaign, we profiled 21 of our 350 colleagues from a range of departments. We asked them what about their daily work inspires and motivates them, and why they love IT.

Is IT your passion, too?

Join the team!

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