Liechtensteinische Landesbank launches LiPay


insightsPageview({ aktuelles_topic: 'Liechtensteinische Landesbank launches LiPay', aktuelles_category: 'corporate,banken-versicherungen-nicht-sichtbar', aktuelles_date: '15.04.2020' })

Ergon has helped Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) develop LiPay, its own new digital payment solution. The solution enables contactless payment via smartphones and is integrated in LLB Mobile Banking.

LiPay, based on the very simple functionality of QR codes, can be used immediately regardless of location and independently of payment terminals or additional infrastructure. Both free money transfers from account to account and payments in shops work securely and quickly. Users don’t have to enter a PIN at terminals. All they need to transfer money is their smartphone. 

The launch of the solution was originally scheduled for summer 2020. But owing to coronavirus, the LLB wanted to introduce LiPay for cashless and contactless payments as quickly as possible. Thanks to great commitment on the part of the LLB and Ergon, the solution was already set to go live successfully in mid-April of that year.