Swiss open banking: secure access, maximum customer focus

Turnkey financial solutions with open banking and open finance

As a financial service and fintech provider, you benefit from a turnkey open banking solution in Switzerland. You are sure to satisfy the Swiss NextGen API and NextGenPSD2 Frameworks and meet the most stringent security requirements. You can also quickly and flexibly expand your service portfolio and thus swiftly and efficiently scale traditional business models as needed. You will improve customer experience, tap into new markets and create a secure Swiss haven for sensitive customer data.

How Ergon can boost your open banking and open finance services

  • Involvement in shaping the Swiss financial market and positioning yourself as a digital trailblazer 

  • Better return on investment, greater flexibility and faster response times 

  • Expanding your digital solutions by efficiently connecting specialised services

  • Encouraging innovation with artificial intelligence, increased data flow and data integration 

  • Less time and work required for interface development 

  • Slimmer infrastructures thanks to standardisation 

Efficient financial services in Switzerland: how you benefit from open banking

Centralised interface in line with Swiss and EU standards

  • Centralised, standardised interface for linking and managing third-party providers 
  • PSD2-compliant (NextGenPSD2 from the Berlin Group) 
  • Can be flexibly expanded to cover new requirements and standards 

Access and consent management

  • Database for secure consent administration 
  • Third-party application access management 
  • Configurable user interface 
  • Authorisation of account access and payments with transaction signatures 
  • Revocation of account access permissions

Easy integration into any banking IT system

  • Interface for connecting to any banking backends 
  • Flexible integration with existing IAM, WAF and API gateway solutions 

Fully integrated with Airlock Secure Access Hub

  • Satisfies international compliance standards: GDPR, PSD2, PCI-DSS, MAS 
  • Centralised, upstream user authentication 
  • Transaction signing with two-factor authentication 
  • High API security
    • Checking API calls (such as signatures and certificates) 
    • Compliant interface use – guaranteed 
    • Threat identification and prevention 
    • TPP management 
    • Automatic registration and authentication 

Transparent licence models and customer-centric services

You receive optimum support, from development through to operation of Swiss open banking. This is provided by experienced teams made up of highly qualified experts from all the relevant areas – from business analysis, consulting and UX, to software engineering and testing. Implementation usually takes between 10 and 20 months. We place our trust in agile principles and transparent communication.
On request, we adapt Swiss open banking in line with your needs; we bill you for the costs and work involved. The licensing policy is transparent. You pay a one-off fee and are given access to the basic modules and functions. This makes integration into your system landscape easier and ensures long-term, successful use. 

With the Swiss Open Banking Sandbox from Ergon, developing third-party applications for the Swiss NextGen API is quick and easy. 

Simon Kauth, Chief Product Officer, Finnova

“Voluntarily introducing open banking helps to sustainably shape our financial market. The courage demonstrated by digital trailblazers will definitely be rewarded in the future.”

Simon Kauth Chief Product Officer, Finnova
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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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