Greenfield projects for your digital transformation

Greenfield development – software engineering in record time, from the idea to market success

Greenfield consulting and development – expert support, from the very beginning through to the finished architecture. During greenfield projects, we work together with you to design and develop a project or system from the ground up. As new infrastructure or technologies are thus created, greenfield projects drive innovation in the digital transformation. With custom software, agile methods and stringent security, we set new standards together in your industry – with a short time to market.

Greenfield consulting and implementation made in Switzerland

Encouraging innovation

From the idea to the strategy – in joint innovation workshops, we develop a clear plan for your greenfield project.

Customised development

Our experts develop efficient and secure solutions that are precisely tailored to your specific requirements.

Continuous adaptation

With agile methods and continuous adaptations in line with the situation on the market, we constantly enhance the solutions – to achieve long-term success.

Ensuring security

A security strategy and the Airlock Secure Access Hub provide a wide variety of security solutions that protect business-critical processes.

Running and maintenance

Our cloud experts run and maintain your solution for you in the cloud on request. So you have time for other things.

Daniel Peter, Viac

“Ergon accompanied our start-up from the initial idea right through to market success and also played a key role with the further development of our fully digitalised pension solution.”

Daniel Peter CEO and Co-Founder, VIAC AG

Task us with turning your vision into a reality – arrange a consultation session.

How you benefit from the greenfield approach with Ergon

  • Achieve goals with revolutionary ideas and customised solutions

  • Faster time to market with more efficient and more agile development

  • Remain competitive in the long term due to ongoing adaptations

  • Save money thanks to software coordinated to business processes

What is a greenfield project and what are its main features?

Similar to a construction project on previously undeveloped land, a greenfield project is not based on existing infrastructure or legacy systems. Instead, it completely rethinks services and processes. The advantage of this approach is that the solutions are perfectly adapted to the goals and processes. Greenfield projects encourage innovation and drive the digital transformation forward. With the right partners, the time to market of new ideas is thus shortened and you gain a considerable advantage over your competitors.

Greenfield vs. brownfield

As opposed to greenfield projects, brownfield projects develop new services or products based on existing systems. The advantage of this is that innovative projects use existing infrastructure, but the disadvantage is that you may have to adapt the new processes and solutions to fit the existing structures.

Greenfield technology from Ergon

The greenfield technology service from Ergon covers all the relevant areas of an IT infrastructure, such as apps, APIs, security, UX, data and service level goals. The correct combination of different technologies creates a digital experience that impresses your clients and users. 

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Further services

Eine Person präsentiert vor Whiteboard mit bunten Haftnotizen vor Teamkollegen.
Digital Strategy
Sustainable, agile and coherent: your digital strategy in harmony with architecture and governance.
Information Architecture
A successful information architecture facilitates an improved user experience.
Business Innovation
Targeted brainstorming and design for innovative solutions and strong project initialisation.
Legacy Innovation
Legacy systems and application lifestyle management – innovatively transform your old systems.
Innovation Studio
Product innovation with design sprints – from idea to minimum viable product (MVP) in record time.
Minimum products, maximum effect – clear steps to the marketable product.