Generative AI – AI consulting and AI solutions

Use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to boost profits and discover the potential of AI

Generative pre-trained transformers like ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) – i.e. generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) – are developing at lightning speed. For companies, this means challenges and a great many opportunities. Together with you, we identify AI potential in your company and use it to boost profits. From training to data protection, with an on-prem model or in the cloud, you too can reap all the benefits of GenAI by taking a holistic, interdisciplinary approach.

The benefits of generative AI with Ergon

  • Effective and efficient GenAI solutions for genuine added value

  • Fast implementation – from the strategy through to the minimum viable product (MVP)

  • Holistic approach with data science, consulting and UX

  • Ongoing feedback and user analyses for targeted further development

Dr. Wilhelm Kleiminger from Ergon Informatik

“Clear metrics are needed for both machine learning and mathematical optimisation. This is the only way to create an algorithm that can solve the relevant problems.”

Wilhelm Kleiminger Head of Data Science, Ergon

Start your GenAI journey today. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have and will work together with you to come up with the perfect solution for your business.

AI consulting from Ergon – discover your GenAI potential

Identifying the potential of AI

In the scoping workshop, we prepare an initial AI strategy together, taking into account best practices in the areas of data governance, data protection and compliance.

Evaluating use cases

Together with our experts, you evaluate and expand on potential use cases and, if needed, flesh out an existing specific idea.

Drawing up a proof-of-concept

We develop a proof-of-concept (PoC) for a specific use case that demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of the solution.

Compiling a data pool

Analysing and compiling the training data is crucial to success. Doing so creates a technological and economic evaluation and a detailed architecture proposal.

Creating a minimum viable product

We use modern technology and agile methods to create a minimum viable product (MVP) for you and integrate it into your IT structure as a production use case.

Taking an iterative approach to development

We use iterative processes to continually further develop your solutions. Approval gates allow rapid and insightful decision-making for the next phase.

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Other services

Business Innovation
Targeted brainstorming and design for innovative solutions and strong project initialisation.
Information Architecture
A successful information architecture facilitates an improved user experience.
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Digital Strategy
Sustainable, agile and coherent: your digital strategy in harmony with architecture and governance.
Process Automation & Optimisation
Maximise productivity with smart business process optimisation.
Innovation Studio
Product innovation with design sprints – from idea to minimum viable product (MVP) in record time.
Minimum products, maximum effect – clear steps to the marketable product.