“A lot of practices baulk at the prospect of changing systems”


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Interview for the IT for Health Special of Netzwoche from 11 September 2019

Martin Michel, CIO of Axon Lab AG, discusses the requirements that modern-practice software must fulfil and the hurdles to be overcome when introducing such a system.


Many doctors’ practices in Switzerland still fail to record medical histories electronically. Where do you think the stumbling blocks lie?

Martin Michel: A lot of practices baulk at the prospect of changing systems. Their work processes have grown organically. They are deeply entrenched and hardly anyone thinks to question them. Optimising processes to increase efficiency presents many practices with big challenges.

What do doctors and medical practice staff require from a practice software solution?

Dealing with day-to-day work should be easy and straightforward, and medical staff should be able to focus on their patients. Practice software should simplify interfaces with other service providers and/or systems – hospitals, for example. Professional support, with competent staff manning the helpline, is also important.

What do medical practices particularly like about Axenita?

The ease of use enabled by its modern and intuitive user interface. During the development phase, we focused on automating recurring tasks, designing input fields with a minimum of clicks and being able to provide the data required with as little fuss as possible. Our clients also love being able to access the web solution from anywhere and that no local installation is required for ‘“software-as-a-service” solutions. Other important aspects include multilingual options, customised views and uncomplicated settings.

How does Axenita help medical practices alleviate cost pressure?

Efficiency can be considerably enhanced through the simplification and automation of tasks and processes. Information is more quickly available as all data is stored centrally. Recurring tasks, such as medication orders, can be processed quickly and easily, and reminders will reduce the frequency of mistakes.

How can you guarantee that Axenita will be future-proof?

As a leading partner in the field of real-time diagnostics, Axon Lab has accumulated a wealth of valuable experience from medical practices since its foundation in 1990 and has been successfully applying this in developing and operating practice software for more than 17 years. Working in cooperation with our partners in Switzerland in development, operations and usability design, we can guarantee active, sustainable development of our software solutions.

What challenges are you facing?

The Swiss market is highly competitive and there is pressure coming from rival foreign products, too. There are also signs of consolidation. In addition, we have to find solutions to ever more stringent regulatory requirements.

How do you see your digitalisation strategy evolving?

Our vision is driven by networks and partnerships that focus on practices, laboratories, associations and technology partners. As digitalisation progresses, we must also pay more attention to requirements surrounding communication and the interaction between doctors as well as between doctors and patients. And of course, we also want to offer our customers added value by staying ahead of the curve on other innovative topics such as blockchain, mobile apps and integration/connections with peripheral systems.