Low-code and rapid prototyping

A powerful low-code platform – your key to quick and easy app development

From rapid prototyping to the citizen developer – the low-code approach, such as with the Microsoft Power Platform, simplifies software engineering and enables you to develop modular apps. With a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop and a low-code approach, you achieve simple apps or comprehensive automation. So you implement software projects quickly and easily, even without a great deal of development expertise.

Working together on custom low-code programming

Consulting and support

Low-code, no-code or conventional software engineering? Together, we find the best approach for your project – and support you in developing the required infrastructure and expertise.

Analysing and integrating

Together with you, we define the specific processes and requirements and integrate the selected low-code platform into your system landscape.

Developing and improving

From prototypes and individual modules to complete solutions: on request, our experts improve your low-code project with custom development.

The benefits of working with Ergon

  • Quicker time to market due to efficient implementation from the idea to the solution

  • Rapid creation, testing and adaptation of prototypes

  • Lower costs compared to conventional custom development – we identify the best possible solution

  • Experts as citizen developers save time and resources

  • Free choice of low-code platform, such as the Microsoft Power Platform

What is low-code and what do low-code platforms such as the Microsoft Power Platform do?

Low-code makes digitalisation and development easier. Low-code platforms such as the Microsoft Power Platform turn your experts into citizen developers who develop apps and prototypes themselves. A holistic strategy and effective architecture and lifecycle management are needed to ensure that this is successfully achieved. From seamless integration into your system landscape, compliance and data protection, to training for your teams – Ergon supports you every step of the way. So you reap all the benefits of the low-code approach.

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Further topics

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