DevOps: from development to operation – and back again

Seamless development and operation for powerful, robust and efficient solutions

DevOps brings development and operation together into a single process. DevOps requires a culture of communication, transparency and client focus between the different IT disciplines. Automated development processes make things more efficient, and continuous feedback from operations allows for ongoing optimisation. That way, you get fast and targeted custom solutions with genuine added value.

How DevOps from Ergon can help move you forward

  • End-to-end responsibility for the entire software lifecycle

  • Automated processes for greater cost efficiency

  • Constant improvement thanks to continuous integration and learning

  • The right DevOps strategies for your project

  • Integrated security measures with DevSecOps for robust and secure solutions

  • Client-centric collaboration

  • Open, trusting exchanges

Manuel Heuer, COO, dacadoo

“We believe in the power of quality-focused partnerships of trust, like the one we have built up with Ergon over a decade.”

Manuel Heuer COO, dacadoo

Efficient and continuous: uniform development with DevOps

Continuous testing

Continuous delivery tests and integrates software modifications in short cycles. So software is ready for release at any time.

Constantly improving

Thanks to continuous software monitoring, we receive constant feedback for improving solutions.

Working in a cross-functional way

Frontend, backend and site reliability: with interdisciplinary teams and roles, we provide support for the entire software lifecycle.

Using technologies

Ansible, Docker, Podman, Kubernetes and Terraform: a powerful tech stack for infrastructure as code, containerisation, orchestration and observability.

Selecting the right DevOps platform

We provide our own DevOps platform, but can also use your existing platforms. We have experience with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and Jenkins, among others.

DevSecOps: DevOps meets cybersecurity

DevSecOps is a further development of DevOps. This approach incorporates security aspects into the software lifecycle, allowing you to identify and resolve security issues early on and reduce the vulnerability of software to attacks and data loss. In addition, because security guidelines are already taken into consideration during the process, you can benefit from a shorter time to market.

What is observability and why is it important?

Observability allows us to comprehensively understand the status and behaviour of a software system in real time. With the three pillars of logging, monitoring and alerting, a system can constantly record relevant data and metrics. It monitors, visualises and immediately issues alerts in the event of malfunctions. So teams can continuously identify errors, conduct diagnoses and optimise software performance. Observability is particularly important when software is running on various different systems and cloud environments. It prevents outages, improves client satisfaction and makes software engineering more efficient.

What is continuous integration/continuous delivery and why are they important?

With continuous integration (CI), engineers regularly add their code changes to a shared repository, where each change is automatically built and tested. This reduces integration problems and enables far faster development of high-quality software. Continuous delivery (CD) expands on CI. You get software that can automatically be published in a production environment at any time. The time to market is also shortened.

What is GitOps and why is it important?

GitOps sees Git, a code version management tool, as the unique source for declarative infrastructures and applications. It uses the same Git-based workflows for both infrastructure automation and software engineering, enabling synchronisation of development, operation and production processes. This in turn allows us to respond rapidly and reliably to changes and to standardise and automate tasks in infrastructure management. Infrastructure as code (IaC) and GitOps require collaboration between development and operation teams, improve transparency in change management and increase the speed and security of application and service provision.

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We look forward to hearing from you

We are pleased that you are interested in our services. Do you have any questions or a specific project idea? Tell us about it – with no commitment on your part. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible. 


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Further topics

Requirements Engineering
Recognising and understanding needs and requirements and communicating them in an actionable way.
Solution Design & Software Architecture
From start-up to enterprise – Ergon supports businesses with an architecture that grows as they do.
Shoulder view of two programmers on two monitors.
Backend Engineering
Custom backend development: the heart of your applications.
Frontend Engineering & Web Development
Boost your digital presence with first-rate web solutions and impressive digital experiences.
Mobile App Development
Innovative mobile and hybrid web apps that will wow target groups and drive your company forward.