Continuous adaptive trust – a step above zero trust

Dynamic security in an ever-changing digital landscape

The various threats to the digital world are constantly evolving. This is where continuous adaptive trust (CAT) comes into play. With concepts such as adaptive security, machine learning and zero-trust architecture, the innovative approach is revolutionising the existing security philosophies. It shifts the focus from static security measures to a dynamic, adaptable trust model – the basis of modern cybersecurity.

The benefits of continuous adaptive trust with Airlock

No-compromise user-friendliness

Adaptive authentication ensures that usability does not fall by the wayside. If the identity of the user and the access context is known, the authentication strength can be reduced or repeated login can be dispensed with altogether.


High degree of security thanks to ongoing risk analysis

On the other hand, risk analysis must continue even after authentication so that security does not suffer due to usability considerations. Web application and API security solutions continually assess the level of risk and the IAM component adapts the trust level dynamically.

Detecting irregularities

Airlock Anomaly Shield analyses the user behaviour by means of machine learning and rapidly detects suspicious patterns. So the wheat can be separated from the chaff and distinctions made between genuine users and malicious bots.

Marc Bütikofer from Ergon Informatik

“Continuous adaptive trust is a paradigm shift in IT security.”

Marc Bütikofer Head of Innovation Security Solutions, Airlock

No compromises between user-friendliness and security – arrange a consultation session.

The benefits of CAT

  • An effective line of defence against new risks that are constantly arising

  • Maximum, zero-compromise security in terms of usability

  • Respond to potential threats before data is abused, thanks to real time analyses

  • Automate security processes and optimise resources

  • Detect and defend against external and internal threats at an early stage

  • Futureproof thanks to ongoing adaptations in line with new situations and technologies

  • Protected and flexible thanks to a modern trust model

You do not have to choose between security and user-friendliness, thanks to continuous adaptive trust

Continuous adaptive trust is based on the ongoing assessment of the level of risk and the adaptation of the trust level in real time. When IAM and application protection work together, as in Airlock Secure Access Hub, security and usability are not conflicting considerations. In an age when agility and customer experience are the keys to success, CAT is the pioneering basis of an effective, forward-looking security strategy.

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Further services

Optimise the administration of users and their authorisations with identity and access management (IAM).
Self-Sovereign Identity
Redefine authentication and strengthen data protection with decentralised identities.
Identity-centric security for applications and digital services.