Axenita in practice


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This interview was published in the Ergon Magazine SMART insights 2022. Order your free copy now.

Praxis Gleis 6 in Baden offers general medicine, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, osteopathy and medical massage. The practice is proud to provide modern, scientifically based care combining heart and mind. Orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal injury specialist Dr Axel Stamm talks about his experience with Axenita.

How big is your practice?

There are 14 employees. Within 12 years around10,000 have found their way to us. Last year alone we had almost 8,000 patient visits.

What do you use the Axenita practice software for?

For appointments and patient documentation. We’re obliged to record all consultations and findings in writing. That includes the whole accounting system. We’re also increasingly using Axenita as an interface to lab diagnostics.

"Axenita is so easy and intuitive to use that the software could easily be from Apple."

Dr. Axel Stamm orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal injury specialist

What’s unique about this software?

The fact that the people can use it in line with their individual requirements. I don’t know any other software that physiotherapists, osteopaths, TCM doctors and massage practitioners can adapt so flexibly to their individual needs. This makes it perfect for a practice like ours offering so many different forms of care.

What do you like most about Axenita?

It’s so easy and intuitive to use. It could easily be from Apple (laughs). Another advantage is that the user interface is freely configurable. This ease of use saves us a lot of time, and the flexible configuration has a positive impact on the quality of our service. Axenita is also cloud-based, which means we benefit from regular feature updates.

How do you experience these advantages in everyday use?

As an orthopaedic specialist I talk a lot with patients, examine them and do X-rays. Not only that, but I have to produce well-structured documentation and be able to generate the medical report and invoice at the click of a mouse. Axenita makes this possible.

Can you give a specific, quantifiable example?

I use a medical dictation program or speech recognition software for Word, Excel and email programs that also works with Axenita. I can dictate a regular medical report in two minutes. With the previous software that seemed to take five times as long. It’s also easy to use and manage address data, and it’s quicker than before. That’s only a selection of all the benefits that have made it such a worthwhile investment for us.

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