Ergon wins the Swiss Employer Award 2021 – recognition for the company's unique culture

Zürich, 18.11.2021 – Media report

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1. Platz für Ergon am Swiss Arbeitgeber Award 2021


Ergon, the Zurich-based IT service provider, has been transforming digitalisation trends into unique client value since 1984. Characterised by equal opportunities, trust and participation, Ergon's corporate culture is just as exceptional.  This is reflected in the company's outstanding ranking in the Swiss Employer Awards. For the third time, Ergon has emerged as Switzerland's best employer, and also recorded its second win in the 250–999 employees category.  

The Swiss Employer Awards are based on an anonymous survey in which employees are able to rate their employer on relevant factors. The study provides reliable indicators of how employees experience elements such as their workplace, team, collaboration, and satisfaction with their employer, as well as how strongly they identify with their company.  

Ergon improved in a number of respects in this year's study. It scored top marks for satisfaction with working relationships within the company. Teamwork and fair treatment from managers were judged particularly well. This further confirms our culture of equity and open communication. Employees also value the respect and appreciation that are shown to all. Flexible work allocation is another important aspect. The number of employees who would recommend Ergon as an employer was particularly high. 

CEO Gabriela Keller: "I'm bowled over, and so proud of our great performance. The result confirms our focus on being a place people want to work, and reinforces our belief in creating an attractive professional environment. I am conscious that it has been a tough time for all of us, and it makes me especially happy that we have come out of the survey so well despite the additional stresses and strains of the pandemic. Enormous thanks are due to all of our employees, and to our partnerships with our clients. They make our shared work and our working environment so unique."