Lateral thinkers

They ask the tough (but usually the right) questions, are always thinking ahead, are extremely loyal and have made a mark through their commitment. They bring a fresh perspective, bubble with unconventional ideas and innovate in overlooked areas. They are courageous enough to take personal risks in order to convince the majority about the value of a new idea. They are a driving force because they question the status quo and ensure that the rest of us become better versions of ourselves. Without lateral thinkers in our midst, no organisation would ever make progress. They are a valuable asset indeed, if the company culture knows how to treat them right.

Portrait Erol Koc

The road less travelled

No product can be successful without ongoing development. Stand still and you will miss the boat. There are many paths and experience will often give you the right steer. But what if you have to strike out in a completely new, previously unimaginable, direction – where you are trying something unconventional with a view to achieving something entirely unheard-of?

Interview with Erol Koç, Team Lead IAM Product Development Airlock

Michael Gut

Innovation takes time

There is a massive array of modern technology available but adopting it all unquestioningly might not be the wisest approach. On the other hand, clinging rigidly to the status quo can spell disaster as well. Having the courage to step outside your comfort zone and deploy the right idea at the right time is the route to success.

Interview with Michael Gut, Senior Software Architect Finance & Telco Solutions

Portrait Heiko Faller und Daniel Bacher

More than just a team

Stable but not inflexible. Autonomous but part of a community. This is how our teams see themselves at Ergon. But how did we arrive at this approach? And what shapes the way we work together?

Interview with Heiko Faller, MD Enterprise Solutions & Member of the Executive Board, and Daniel Bacher, Senior Software Architect & Team Lead Web Solutions

Portrait Erwin Huber

Product success centred on people

Tactful enthusiasts are required for an idea to cut through and be heard. For it to be established as a product, it will need its champions. To make sure it remains a success, you need people who think outside the box – and the right environment.

Interview with Erwin Huber, ehemaliger Director of Product Development Airlock

The series "Lateral thinkers" is part of the Ergon Magazine SMART insights 2020. More information about the magazine