E-health platform vivates

Zürich, 23.01.2015 – Reference Swiss Post

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Swiss Post, the Swiss postal service, doesn’t just deliver letters and packages. It is increasingly reinventing itself as a one-stop service provider, transporting information reliably and sustainably and adding value. From this starting-point, Swiss Post set itself the goal some years ago of developing an e-health system that would allow the various parties involved in the healthcare sector to exchange patient data securely – and to ensure that the integrity of such sensitive information is guaranteed at all times, Swiss Post is turning to Ergon’s Airlock Suite for its vivates e-health system.

Secure patient data

Patients often move between different service providers-they might have a general practitioner who refers them to a specialist, for example, who will then determine that a surgical procedure is required, resulting in an in-patient hospital stay. At the moment, patients often have to cart their information (X-ray images, for example) from one doctor to the next themselves and are routinely subjected to the same questions again and again. A case notes dossier that can be accessed by every attending physician and where examination results can be recorded will ease this process considerably.


Patient data is a sensitive business, however; nobody wants the world to be able to look up their medical history. Health data is protected in Europe as a “special category of processing”, which means that the security requirements are even stricter than for banks; access must be granted on an individual basis to each party involved. This authorization is carried out either by the patient or  via the assignment system: anyone uploading documents to the dossier will simultaneously determine who may view the information, and thus implicitly authorize the recipient. The patient retains control of access rights at all times and can decide who may view the documents.

Access in an emergency

Guaranteeing safety in the healthcare system is not just a matter of ensuring confidentiality, however. In the event of an emergency, it is essential that a doctor has immediate access to all relevant patient data, to prevent potentially fatal consequences for the patient. Unwittingly giving someone a medicine to which they are allergic, for instance, can trigger a dangerous reaction. But vivates has a solution for this too; the doctor can declare an emergency and will then be allowed unlimited access to the data for a restricted period. To prevent misuse, both the patient and an independent examining doctor will be alerted whenever such a call is made.

A flexible authentication layer

The vivates e-health platform was tested in four districts in the Canton of Geneva and then rolled out in additional cantons in 2013. It soon became apparent that the authentication solution used provided the requisite levels of security but its flexibility and manageability left something to be desired in respect of the challenges it was likely to face in the future. Switzerland’s federal system means cantons have slightly different laws, and accommodating these disparate authorities was proving to be too expensive and time-consuming. As Michael Doujak, Head of vivates Development for Swiss Post, explains: “Our system must be easily scalable, as every customer’s circumstances are different and thus each of them presents new or distinctive challenges. So we can’t install the authentication layer the same way for every client, we have to be able to provide customized configurations, and that’s where an automated management system is a great help.”


Hospitals and healthcare organizations usually have their own ID token system (SuisseID, IDP or a proprietary system, for example) and each organization should be able to retain its token for the case notes dossier. “The term we use here is ‘transferable trust’; the healthcare sector knows its staff and manages access, so no duplication of the ID procedure is required,” continues Michael Doujak.


Furthermore, a broad spectrum of parties is involved, from a large hospital with its own IT department, through smaller organizations like pharmacies, to single individuals (an independent doctor, or even the patients themselves); all of these will require access to the system. There were also tough design challenges to be faced—the landing page had to be attractive and user-friendly but also adaptable to different sets of circumstances.

Plug-in functionality is the decider

After Swiss Post had inspected a range of Swiss service providers and tested their technology, they made their choice for Ergon’s Airlock Suite. What swung it in part was the high plug-in functionality with all kinds of different identification systems that Ergon had already demonstrated in previous projects, ensuring compatibility. Other points in Airlock Suite’s favor were its uncomplicated administration, its flexible operation in different configurations and its ability to hot-swap upgrades (especially for security patches). With Airlock WAF serving as an authentication layer for patients, doctors, service providers and administrators, and Airlock IAM managing identities, this separation of authentication and identity propagation permits great flexibility when accessing the system.


Ergon’s e-health project broke new ground, and the specific requirements of the healthcare sector brought their own special challenges: a number of external, non-standard IDPs, such as OFAC, had to be integrated. “We were encountering a lot of use cases for the first time here,” concedes Adrian Berger, one of Ergon’s Heads of Department. “These included the representation of people who were not compos mentis (so-called “dual carding”, where two SSL sessions have to be able to run simultaneously) and of course emergencies, where certain data has to be available immediately.”

On time, on budget

Despite the complexity of the subject matter, the development scheduling was tight: the project was tendered in March 2013, evaluation started in May and the old security platform was due to be scrapped by year-end. Keeping to this timetable meant dividing the project into two phases: the scope of the first, which was completed on time and on budget in December 2013, was scaled back in respect of the authentication tokens used, with only a smart card being created. The second phase saw the integration of numerous other authentication solutions. “There are more than we initially anticipated,” says Michael Doujak, “but we were able to deliver this phase on time and on budget as well – which is seldom the case with such large IT projects.” Development is yet to be completed, however. “The further we roll out the dossier, the more challenges we encounter,” he continues.