Internet banking solutions

01.05.2009 – Annual Report 2008

insightsPageview({ aktuelles_topic: 'Internet banking solutions', aktuelles_category: 'corporate,banken-versicherungen-nicht-sichtbar', aktuelles_date: '01.05.2009' })

In 1997, Credit Suisse became the first Swiss bank to launch an Internet banking solution. Known as DirectNet, this solution was developed by Ergon in just a few months. Since then, a variety of financial institutions have placed their trust in Ergon’s experience and expertise.

Liechtensteinische Landesbank – secure e-banking

For Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB), Ergon created an Internet banking and trading application which offers a varied range of functionalities such as client and account administration, payment transactions and exchange trading in order to meet the needs of fiduciaries and asset managers as well as private clients. For security reasons and to avoid compatibility problems, LLB wanted an e-banking solution that is not browser-supported but is based instead on a Java Rich client. This called for a partner with an excellent knowledge of Java technology and extensive experience in implementing projects of this sort in the banking sector.

Ergon frameworks were used in the development of the client and the server. The client is a browser-independent Java application. The Ergon Java Libraries offer numerous basic functionalities for printing, charts, multiple languages, client updating and networking.

Thanks to the Java Rich client developed by Ergon to meet the specific requirements and a three-stage security procedure, LLB ensures that its discriminating clientele always have secure but simple access to the e-banking platform. This is why the solution is extremely popular among the bank‘s customers. In 2008, LLB was honored for having the most secure Internet banking solution.

LLB is continuing to back the Java Rich client solution developed by Ergon for e-banking in connection with the changeover to the Avaloq banking system, in order to meet the high requirements for security and user-friendliness. Bank Linth also opted for this solution recently. Independence from the browser, the multi-stage security concept and the hardened client ensure that there is no unauthorized access to the system.