Swisscom: Order management for large companies.

Being part of the dynamic telecoms sector means Swisscom is constantly launching new and innovative products and services on the market. These have to meet customers' individual needs and must be fast and efficient to introduce, if this is required. As part of their long-term partnership, Swisscom and Ergon worked together to develop a platform that brings B2B solutions more quickly and efficiently to the market than the competition, whereby standardised products and reusable components defined in a central product catalogue form the basis of the strategic order management process.


Allegro is the strategic order management platform for Swisscom's Enterprise Customers area. It focuses on the service fulfilment process and consists of the components Product Management, Order Entry and Order Management. The Ergon solution is consistent in its use of the Business Process Framework (eTOM) and Information Framework (SID) – both of which are recognised and widely supported components of the TM Forum Frameworx. Thanks to extensive configuration options, Swisscom is able to define all elements of the product design itself.


Making this service provider 'of the future' a service aggregator that generates added value for its customers by combining and enriching modular standard services from internal and external sources.


Responsible at Ergon