The canton of Zurich: Business architecture for the digital future.

The canton of Zurich’s 35,000 employees serve around 1.5 million “clients” (residents), making it the largest such administrative unit in all of Switzerland. This government entity considers IT to be just as central – indeed, indispensable – to its operations as any private company would. When the cantonal government adopted its “Digital Administration 2018-2023” strategy, it kicked off a project called “planning for and building a reference framework for digital transformation (business architecture)”. Among other things, the project aims to develop a guideline for the digital future of multiple services the canton offers its residents, in close collaboration with internal stakeholders. Ergon is acting as a consulting partner to the canton of Zurich as it develops its business architecture for digital administration and e-government. This business architecture will lay the groundwork for the canton’s core “Digital Administration” programme.