Corris: Doing good with tablets.

The company Corris provides fundraising services for around 30 non-profit organisations such as Helvetas, WWF and Pro Infirmis.
Instead of a presentation folder on paper, fundraisers from Corris now use images and film clips on an iPad. They also use the same device to record the donor's address and bank details. The app must protect their data if a device is lost and also work offline for use below ground at train stations and in subways.
The tablet solution for Corris enables the entire fundraising process to be carried out online - securely protected and even in offline environments. Mobile printing and the recording of Corris employees' working hours contribute to a more efficient way of work, whilst personalised photos of the donors allow personal recommendations via social media.
A contemporary solution that corresponds with banking standards for donation collectors on the street and for simplified working processes within Corris.