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SMART insights (Vol. 4)

SMART insights 2022: insights into the content


  • Standout medical practice software
  • Openness in its DNA
  • Holistic health the da Vinci way
  • How to succeed with DevSecOps? Getting "Shift Left" right


  • New needs, new opportunities. How hybrid working works
  • What does "attractive" actually mean?
  • The change makers (series)
    • Sarah Springman, former rector of ETH Zurich und Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire
    • Adrian Schmid, Head of eHealth Suisse
    • Patrick Kaltenrieder, Head of digitalisation and IT services, KPT
    • Thomas Beck, Co-CEO and Group Chief Development & Technology Officer, Avaloq


  • The metaverse: will the virtual soon be real?
  • Self-sovereign identity: an ecosystem of digital identities
  • Successful business innovation
  • Ultra-wideband: spatial awareness for smart things

Interested in more?

Digitisation projects
Change makers
Tech trends

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