Entrepreneurs in our midst

A business is only as good as its people. Efficient performance coupled with passion has always been highly prized at Ergon. Since our very beginnings, we have upheld the values of transparency, equality, participation and personal responsibility. These values provide an important foundation for wellbeing, work satisfaction and entrepreneurial thinking. Ergon staff treat each other and their clients as equal partners. In celebration of 35 years of bringing technology advantage to our clients some of our team tell their stories.

Marc Bütikofer, Ergon

Always one step ahead

From initial idea to successful product. Not only must software be future-proof, it must also be secure and fit the precise needs of the client. Marc Bütikofer, creator of the Airlock identity and access management (IAM) component, describes the birth and growth of the product – and what it takes to outfox a hacker.

Interview with Marc Bütikofer, Director Innovation Airlock

Ruedi Hugelshofer, Ergon

It’s about seeing eye to eye

How do you win over a new client? What must be right for a business relationship to work? How do you build lasting collaborations that often grow into friendships? Ruedi Hugelshofer has been involved in selling for decades but would never describe himself as someone who works in "sales". He sees his role in quite a different light.

Interview with Ruedi Hugelshofer, Senior Account Manager

Gert Brettlecker and Benedikt Ostermaier, Ergon

A network for success

Ergon recognised the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) at an early stage – not least to help Switzerland’s many excellent SMEs achieve substantial competitive advantage. What has been the secret of Ergon’s success in helping companies plug in to a networked future? Benedikt Ostermaier and Gert Brettlecker take us behind the scenes.

Interview with Benedikt Ostermaier, Head of IoT, and Gert Brettlecker, Team Lead IoT

Daniel Koller, Ergon

The devil in the detail drives me to succeed

The stereotype of a software engineer working – introverted and alone – in a dark, subterranean room could not be further from reality. Today, communication and collaboration, both with clients and other developers, are key. Daniel Koller speaks about his goals at work and in the wider software community.

Interview with Daniel Koller, Senior Software Engineer

Thomas Ward, Ergon

It started out as a hack

Paying your bills without e-banking? These days, it’s unthinkable. The first e-banking system in Switzerland was developed by Ergon over 20 years ago. Thomas Ward was the pioneer and driving force on the team back then. He has since specialised in software solutions for banks and found his true calling.

Interview with Thomas Ward, Senior Software Engineer

Sybil Ehrensberger, Ergon

Doing away with clichés

Women are underrepresented in IT. What exactly is holding them back from writing code? Where is the prejudice coming from? Sybil Ehrensberger, a passionate software engineer, wants to break down barriers and is trying to bring more female talent on board, including via Django Girls.

Interview with Sybil Ehrensberger, Software Engineer

The series "Entrepreneurs in our midst" is part of the Ergon Magazine SMART insights 2019. More information about the magazine